1. Logos/main Title 1:24
2. Nothing But Blue Pills/ak, Cold And Mauser/our Lit Ovens 2:2
3. Oracle Debacle 1:38
4. Rama-Kandra/the Trainman Cometh [Juno Reactor And Don Davis]
5. The Trainman Goeth 1:50
6. Tetsujin [Juno Reactor And Don Davis] 3:23
7. The Road To Hell/time's Up/the Road To Sourceville 5:46
8. He Is You 1:36
9. The First Goodbye/the All-Knowing Oracle 5:32
10. The Logos Location/it's Crazy Zee 5:08
11. Das Banegold/the Bane Revelation 8:08
12. The Smith Within Us 6:05
13. Men In Metal 2:22
14. Niobe's Run/the Breach/boom Hilda 6:52
15. Die Brunett Walkre/mjolnir Mastication/charra Broiled 4:46
16. Woman Can Drive/moribund Mifune 6:33