1. Arthur Conan Doyle On Spiritualism [London, England, May 14, 1930]
2. Gladys Osborne Leonard And The Spirit Of "Feda," In The Presence Of Reverend
3. W.s. Irving And T. Besterman [London, England, November 17, 1932]
4. Rudi Schneider's Trance [London, England, 1933]
5. Harry Houdini's "Final Séance" [Hollywood, Usa, October 31, 1936]
6. Ivy Carter Beaumont Aka "Rosemary": "The Speech Of Ancient Egypt, Eighteenth
7. Dynasty" [England, July 14, 1938]
8. Einer Nielsen And The "Spectral Voices" Of "Astrid" And "Bischof Liljeblad"
9. [Copenhagen, Denmark, C. 1950]
10. Leslie Flint And The "Voice" Of Oscar Wilde Of Reverend W.s. Irving And T.
11. Besterman [London, England, August 20, 1962]
12. A Spiritism Séance Broadcast On The Radio [Paris, France, 1976]
13. The Rosenheim Case [Germany, December 1967]
14. The Th. Case Of Reverend W.s. Irving And T. Besterman [Switzerland, April 16,
15. 1967]
16. The S. Case [Germany, 1968]
17. The P. Case [Germany, December 1971]
18. Knocking Phenomena [Germany, 1974]
19. Émile Tizané About "Little Hauntings" [Paris, France, 1976]
20. Voice Produced By Janet Hodgson During A Trance [Enfield, England,
21. January-February 1978]
22. Dominique And The "Talking Wall" [La Machine, France, 1973]
23. Anneliese Michel's Exorcism Ritual By Father Arnold Renz [Klingenberg, Germany,
24. 1976]
25. Denys Renaudin's Investigation Of A Haunting Case [Paris, France, 1979]
26. Jack Sutton And The "Haunted Airfield" [Norfolk, England, C. 1980]
27. "Paranormal" Explosion [London, England, 1995]