1. Adagio, Sonata Nr. 1 In G Minor For
2. Nihavend Fantazi (Modal Fantasy)
3. Initiation: Psalm 7
4. Parting At Yangguan
5. The Book Of Sounds, Part 9
6. Aries
7. Bass Improvisation
8. Kyrie Opening
9. Marimba Dance, #2
10. Shinsencho Bukyoku (Second Section
11. Tokat
12. Seekers Of The Truth, Part 18
13. Fantasy
14. Sounds And Sweet Airs
15. Voices
16. Sail Ain Ijaner
17. Al Ya Zane (Oh Thou Zane)
18. The Ancient Voice
19. The Vase Initiation Of Yamantaka
20. Punleu Prey Viel
21. Land Of Enchantment
22. Sarabande, Suite Nr. 4, In E Flat M