1. Jurassi-Logos/dinow This
2. A Dinosaur In The Ranching Business
3. It's Like Herding Parasaurolophus
4. Upsy-Maisie
5. Clonely You/the Hunters Become The Hunted
6. The Camp Fire In Her Soul
7. Hay Of The Locusts
8. A Satt Ler State Of Affairs/alan For Granted/sattler? I Bare
9. The Wages Of Biosyn
10. Free-Range Kidnapp Ing
11. A-Biosyn' We Will Go
12. This Dodgson Burns Bright/the Maltese Dragons
13. You're So Cute When You Smuggle
14. In Contempt Of Delacourt/dance Of The Atrocirapt Ors
15. Da Plane And Da Cycle
16. You're Making Me Feel Wu-Zy
17. The Geneticist's Gamb It/cicadian Rhythms
18. Therizinosaurus Will Be Blood/land Of The Frost
19. A Dimetrodon A Dozen
20. She Shoots, She Scorches
21. Gigantosaurus On Your Life
22. Ladd Er And Subt Ract/what's Your Major Malcolm Function/six
23. Ramsay's The Second No More
24. Gott A Shut Down The Blah Blah Blah
25. Girls Can Alpha Too
26. Saliva And Kicking
27. Wu-Ing For Redempt Ion
28. Batt Le Royale With Reprise/six Days Seven Denouements
29. A-O-Kayla
30. All The Jurassic World's A Rage
31. Larry Curly And Moe
32. Suite, Suite Dino Revenge