1. Space Jam (Live)
2. Oh-Ha-Be (Live)
3. Erpland (Live)
4. Snakepit (Live)
5. Dissolution (Live)
6. Sunscape (Live)
7. Obscure Jazz Thing (Live)
8. The Throbbe (Live)
9. Sniffing Dog (Live)
10. Aum Riff Jam (Live)
11. Band Interview With Paul King, Glastonbury Festival
12. Vita Voom (Video As Aired On Mtv)
13. Jurassic Shift (Live At Reading Festival)
14. Feng Shui (Live At Manchester Academy)
15. Pteranodon (Live At Manchester Academy)
16. Live Jam (Live At Pongmasters Ball, Brixton Academy)
17. Untitled Jams & Footage (The Mill Studio, Somerset)