1. The Weaver (The Fool And The Death-Maker Die Alone)
2. The Dying Oilman (Blinded By The Hostages Of Fortune)
3. The Confused Transsexual (Stamen And Pistillate Together Again)
4. The Soul-Out Artist (Black Are The Legs Inside The White Sepulchre)
5. The Ascetic (Shadows Doubt The Strength Of The Sun)
6. The Old Soldier (Safety Sells, But War Always Wins)
7. The Aging Musician (Narcissus Knows No One Naked)
8. The Butcher (The Flesh Of Animals Angers Anew... And Moos)
9. The Old Woman (Kissless Are The Isolated, Rootless Are Their Tongues)
10. Ginger's Lament