1. If You Be My Baby = A,Aa»A¦A¼A»A"A¼A»Apa,A»Aöa,A"A¼
2. Long Grey Mare = A-A3A,°A»A,°A¬A,A»A¡A,¢
3. Merry Go Round = A¡Aªa¼A»A,'A¼A»Aca,¦A3A%
4. I Loved Another Woman = A,¢A,A»Aca'a%A»A,¢Asa,A¼A»A,¦A¼Apa
5. Need Your Love So Bad = A<A¼A%A»A¦A,¢A»Aca'a»A,½A¼A»Aéaa
6. The Same Way = A,A»A,»A,A A»A,¦A,A,
7. The Supernatural = A,A»A,1A¼A`a¼Asaüa¥Aca«
8. Drifftin' = A%Aªaa²A,£A3
9. Showbiz Blues = A,·Aa,¦A"A,ºa»A-A«A¼A,º
10. Love That Burns = Aca'a»A,Aaêa»Aéa¼A3A,º
11. Looking For Somebody = A«Aa,-A3A,°A»Aa,Ca¼A»A,Μa Aéana,£
12. The World Keeps On Turnin' (Acoustic Version) = A,A»A_A¼A«A%A»A
13. The Same Way (Acoustic Version) = A,A»A,»A,A A»A,¦A,A,ϼÊa,¢A,3
14. Stop Messin' Around (Acoustic Version) = A,1Aêaa_A»A¡Aa,·A3A