1. The Ultimate Gift Main Title ("the Ultimate Gift")
2. City Boy In Texas ("the Ultimate Gift")
3. Bum's Bench ("the Ultimate Gift")
4. Emily's Chemo ("the Ultimate Gift")
5. I've Seen What Money Can Do ("the Ultimate Gift")
6. Those Arms Are For You ("the Ultimate Gift")
7. Park Picnic ("the Ultimate Gift")
8. Arrival In Ecuador ("the Ultimate Gift")
9. Childhood Letter ("the Ultimate Gift")
10. Family Thanksgiving ("the Ultimate Gift")
11. Plane Wreckage ("the Ultimate Gift")
12. Captivity ("the Ultimate Gift")
13. The Firing Squad ("the Ultimate Gift")
14. One Shouldn't Lose A Son ("the Ultimate Gift")
15. What's Your Dream? ("the Ultimate Gift")
16. Emily's Legacy ("the Ultimate Gift")
17. Redemption ("the Ultimate Gift")
18. Red's Goodbye ("the Ultimate Gift")
19. Texas Christmas / A Perfect Day ("the Ultimate Gift")
20. Two Billion ("the Ultimate Gift")
21. Something Changed ("the Ultimate Gift")
22. Legacy ("the Ultimate Gift")