1. 1. Only I Will Know (In Memoriam Dorothy Porter): Gently Flowing, With Intimate Intensity
2. 2. Walk A Little Way With Me (In Memoriam Lynda Holt): Moderato Scorrevole - Still, Pensive - .
3. 3. Der Philosoph (In Memoriam Jan Diesselhorst): Quasi Cadenza, Slow And Spacious, Misterioso -
4. 4. György Meeta The Girl Photographer (In Memoriam Betty Freeman, Hommage À György Ligeti): Fre
5. 5. Between The Spaces In The Sky (In Memoriam Richard Hickox): Hushed And Fragile - Un Poco Più
6. 1. Slow And Spacious, Secretive - Wild, With Abandon, Raw And Overtone Rich - Emphatic And Ener
7. 2. Unlikely Flight: Presto Nervoso - Subito Più Mosso - Suddenly Slower, More Relaxed - Subito
8. 3. Epilogue: Slow And Spacious - Flowing, Un Poco Più Mosso
9. 1. Fast, Breathless
10. 2. Hushed, Distant - Flowing - Serene, Intimate - Broad, Exalted
11. 3. Fast, Agitated - Suddenly Slow, Vacant
12. 4. Extremely Still - Sparse, Distant
13. 5. Slow, Austere