1. Ursula Mamlok And Frank Dodge (Interview)
2. Nr. 1 Introduction: Presto - Grazioso - Agitato - Still, As If Suspended - Suddenly Fast
3. Nr. 2 Vivo: Calm - Poco Meno Mosso - Pesante - Presto Subito
4. Nr. 3 Still, As If Suspended
5. Gruff
6. Quarter Note + Sixteenth Note = 72+
7. Quarter Note = 48
8. Eight Note = 100
9. Nr. 1 Eighth Note = 48
10. Nr. 2 Eightgh Note = 60
11. Nr. 3 Eighth Note = 30
12. Nr. 4 Eighth Note = 48
13. Still, As If Suspended
14. With Fluctuating Tension
15. 1. With Intensity
16. 2. Very Rhythmic
17. 3. Still, As If Suspended