1. Vteriny Krehke (Fragile Seconds)
2. Uctovani Na Vesmirnych Kontech (Settling Space Accounts)
3. Nechvatej Osude (Do Not Dash, My Fate)
4. Zpivanka (A Lullaby)
5. Stoviky U Cest (Sorrels By The Road)
6. Az Bude Moje Duse (When My Soul)
7. Pojd, Muj Mily (Come, My Love)
8. Kdyz Ona Hrozny Trhala (As She Was Picking Grapes)
9. Litate V Tom (It Gets You Going)
10. A Second Of Temptation (Vterina Pokuseni)
11. Tak Tady Byl (There He Was)
12. Rozpominani (Remembering)
13. Jdu Ja, Jdes Ty, Vsichni Jdem (I Walk, You Walk, We All Walk)
14. Andel Strazny (The Guardian Angel)
15. Az Se Budes Bat (When You Feel Scared)