1. Gubanin Ag Almasi (White Apples Of Guba)
2. Evleri Var Khana-Khana (There Are Many Rooms In Their House)
3. Ay Beri Bakh (Look Back)
4. Yana-Yana Kül Oldum (I Am Bruning To Ash)
5. Gurban Oldugum (The One To Whom I Would Sacrifice Myself)
6. Neychun Gelmez (Why She Does Not Turn Up)
7. Saf Eshqim (My Love Is Pure)
8. Qaragile (Black-Eyed)
9. Banovsha (A Violet)
10. Niya Gelmez Oldu (Why She Never Arrived)
11. Getme-Getme (Don't Go Away)
12. Ay, Giz, Sene Mayilem (Oh, Girl, I Fell In Love With You)
13. Alagöz (Grey-Eyed)
14. Ninne, Yarim (Lull, My Love)
15. Küchelere Su Sepmishem (I Watered The Streets
16. Sary Gelin (Blonde Lady)