1. Ensuah Nzema Kotoko (The Nezema Kotoko Family)
2. Osikuni Atamfo (Gossiper Enemies)
3. Tsutsu Tsosemo (Old Time Training)
4. Mewu Mo Dzi (I'm Looking On High)
5. Memia (I Am Too Broke)
6. Obia Ba Nnye (Naughty Child)
7. Madame Zehae Ala (Just As I Am)
8. Obina Mma Obi Kyere No (If One Person Doesn't Know, Another Will Tell Him Or Her)
9. Yaka Duru (Liberian Folktune)
10. Sosu Sei Me (Limit The Way You Spoil Me)
11. Friends Today, Enemies Tomorrow
12. Niawu Be Ye (Sow And Reap)
13. Jealousy