1. Sonata
2. Soprano And Chorus: "my Song Shall Be Alway ..."
3. Tenor: "for Who Is He Among The Clouds ..."
4. Soprano, Tenor And Bass: "god Is Very Greatly To Be Feared ..."
5. Alto And Bass. Duet: "the Heav'ns Are Thine ..."
6. Chorus: "righteousness And Equity Are The Habitation Of Thy Seat ..."
7. Soprano: "blessed Is The People, O Lord ..."
8. Chorus: "thou Art The Glory ..."
9. Sonata
10. Chorus: "o Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord ..."
11. Tenor: "o Come, Let Us Worship And Fall Down ..."
12. Chorus: "glory Ans Worhip Are Befor Him ..."
13. Tenor And Chorus: "tell It Out Amoung The Heathen ..."
14. Soprano: "o Magnify The Lord ..."
15. Alto: "the Lord Preserveth The Souls Of The Saints ..."
16. Tenor: "for Look, As High As The Heaven ..."
17. Chorus: "there Is Sprung Up A Light For The Righteous ..."
18. Chorus: "o Praise The Lord With One Consent ..."
19. Alto: "praise Him, All Ye That In His House ..."
20. Tenor: "for This Our Truest Int'rest Is ..."
21. Bass: "that God Is Great ..."
22. Chorus: "with Cheerful Notes Let All The Earth ..."
23. Soprano: "god's Tneder Mercy Knows No Bounds ..."
24. Chorus: "ye Boundless Realms Of Joy ..."
25. Chorus: "your Voices Raise, Ye Cherubim And Seraphim ..."