1. Fanfare For The Arrival Of Their Majesties
2. I Was Glad (Arr. Rutter)
3. Greeting The King
4. Greeting And Introduction
5. Coronation Kyrie Eleison
6. The Recognition
7. The Presenting Of The Holy Bible
8. The Oaths
9. Prevent Us, O Lord, T 207
10. The King's Prayer
11. Gloria
12. The Collect
13. The Epistle
14. Alleluia (O Clap Your Hands)
15. The Gospel
16. Alleluia (O Sing Praises)
17. The Sermon
18. Veni Creator Spiritus
19. Thanksgiving For The Holy Oil
20. Zadok The Priest (Original Version)
21. The Investiture And Give The King Your Judgements (Byzantine Chant)
22. The Crowning
23. Wiener Philharmoniker Fanfare, Trv 248 (Arr. Mealor)
24. The Blessing
25. O Lord, Grant The King A Long Life
26. The Enthroning And The Homage (Homage Fanfare)
27. Confortare (Arr. Rutter)
28. The Coronation Of The Queen
29. Make A Joyful Noise