1. The Yellow Handkerchief
2. Sally Morrow
3. God Killed The Devil
4. There Was A Rich Farmer At Sheffield
5. Father Had A Knife
6. Sweet William
7. The Haymakers
8. One Penny
9. Over Yonder's Hill
10. The Moon Shine Bright
11. The Basket Of Eggs
12. Wil You Buy My Sweet Lavender / Love Is Pleasing
13. Little Dun Dee
14. The Breakdown / The Flowers Of Edinburgh (Stepdance Tunes)
15. The American Stranger
16. The High-Low Well
17. Cock O' The North / The Flowers Of Edinburgh / Step It Away / The Girl
18. Down In The Meadow
19. The Tan Yard Side
20. Mandi Went To Poove The Gri / Untitled Stepdance Tune / Can You Rokker
21. A Blacksmith Courted Me
22. The Small Birds Whistle
23. The Female Drummer
24. Once I Was A Servant
25. The Colour Of Amber
26. The Squire And The Gypsy
27. Two Untitled Stepdance Tunes
28. The Game Of Cards
29. Royal Comrade
30. Georgie
31. The Young Officer
32. Under The Leaves